I have something to share with you guys. Something huge. It is going to be so hard to describe and to put into words what happened and how I feel, but I am going to try the best I can so you can see how awesome our God is.
If you read my previous blog I mentioned that Joey asked me to speak to the campers this week and how nervous I was about it. I also told you that God used me to bring His message when I had devotion. Well tonight the band that is staying this week to play for the camps came to do worship at our dorm. These people are BEAUTIFUL inside and out. They are so genuine and have an amazing passion for Jesus and their ministry. Well, we began to worship and I had a million thoughts going through my head, but towards the second and third song I began to shut them off and focus on the Lord and I just cried. Tears were streaming down my face and I don't know why. I was broken and the Holy Spirit was stirring in my heart. At the end the group prayed for us and the lady singer kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my hand. After the group prayed and we said Amen she looked at me and said that she seen the tears in my eyes and she heard the Holy Spirit telling her to tell me that God is going to provide boldness and that He is going to make me a speaker and hat I am going to be fearless and He is going to use me. I have never met this woman or spoken to her one time and God used her to comfort me and prophesy what He is going to make me. This was the most amazing experience ever. The past few days I have felt like God was trying to get me out of my comfort zone by making me speak so much, but I never thought that His plan was for me to speak for Him. The entire atmosphere tonight was God centered and the music was incredible. Jesus filled that room. Jesus filled my heart. I am not sure what God has planned for me, but He has given me confidence to trust Him tonight and to follow Him because He promises to take care of me and provide. He has given me a new gift and I want to exercise it to glorify Him. He is beyond worthy. I feel so inadequate and unworthy though. Who am I that He would use me? I am reminded of His amazing grace and love in this time. I am His child and I am called for a purpose. His purpose. A greater purpose. I just cannot fathom this right now. Pray for me as I take this giant leap of faith. God is about to move in big ways.
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